What I Said At The Orlando MoneyShow

Income is king

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Tim here, with something a little different this week. As I mentioned, last weekend I gave a presentation at the Orlando MoneyShow on the need for income investing, and how to do it best.

Today, I want to run through that presentation for you. Just click the video below to check it out!

The Big Five REITs are a great way to lock in this income: each one is a quality company in a great location, with long-term contracts, and offers you inflation protection.

With their very strong market position, you won’t be disappointed if you invest in them. But if you want more, and faster, returns, you’ll have to dig deeper into niche REITs that are even better positioned.

That’s exactly what I’ve done for my Premium subscribers in the Total Return Model Portfolio. 15 of the best REITs with world-class business models, healthy financials, and that are hugely undervalued by the market.

Premium subscribers also get access to the Real Income Model Portfolio - the best real estate and infrastructure bonds and preferred shares, generating above-market income from supremely positioned real assets. To gain access to both, upgrade to Premium by clicking here!

Tim Melvin
Editor, Melvin Real Income Report